Tybee Island Rental office
Driving directions to Tybee Island Rentals
204 First Street
Tybee Island, GA 31328
If using Google map use 101- 1st Street, Tybee Island, GA 31328
If traveling from other interstates besides I-95 please pull up MAPQUEST on the Internet.
From interstate 95 exit onto I-16 East towards Savannah. Stay on I-16 until it ends in Savannah and turns into Montgomery Street. Continue going straight towards Bay Street. Make a right onto Bay Street. Stay on Bay Street until you come to President Street turn left. Continue going straight until you come to HWY 80 East turn left towards Tybee Island. You’ll be on Hwy 80 for about 15 minutes. You’ll cross over several bridges. Once on Tybee you’ll see a welcome to Tybee Island Sign on your right, just after you go over the last bridge. Go through two traffic lights and you’ll see Tybee Island Rental office on the right, just past Chu’s 7-11 and across the street from Sugar Shack Restaurant. YOU WILL PASS SEVERAL OTHER RENTAL COMPANIES.